на русском: presentation at Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center
The Department of Pathological Anatomy and Clinical Pathology at the Medical and Biological University at Burnasyan Center (Moscow, Russia) hosts a course on digital pathology sponsored by Philips with Mindpeak GmbH presenting AI-solutions for clinical routine diagnostics: You speak Russian? Then don't miss our presentation on October 7th, 13:00 pm (MSK) on our AI-solutions for breast cancer which work with real-life image variability. They help pathologists increase throughput as well as gain in reproducibility and accuracy. For an optimal workflow our AI solutions are already integrated into a large and growing number of IMS platforms and instrument viewer softwares. Whole-slide precalculation directly after image acquisition by a scanner has the advantage that pathologists will not have to wait for the AI results. These are displayed per cell and clinical scores (e.g. Dako-score for HER2) are reported automatically. Thanks Serhii Kostel and Dr. Anil Berger for making this happen!
registration: https://mbufmbc.ru/upload/iblock/623/KAFEDRA-PATOLOGICHESKOY-ANATOMII-I-KLINICHESKOY-PATOLOGII.pdf (course no. 375, Цифровая патология в клинической практике)